
269 Audio Reviews

132 w/ Responses

This is fun! :D

Makes me wish i really was riding a dragon while the credits roll. It also reminds me of the ending of the snes game Out Of This World. The track doesn't sound like it's from the game but i could see this playing during the end of the game.

Great Job!

I almost never think like this but........

............atfer listening to this for a while i'm starting to think i'd like to hear a version of this with some kind of hip hop beat behind it. Like i said i almost never think that way but i keep hearing it in my head with some kind of hip hop thing going on with it. It's absolutely awesome the way it is though!

Great Job!

Gravey responds:

Yea, not to be a buzzkill but I won't be releasing a hip hop version of this piece. Just have too much to do already as it is.

Thanks for the review.


I love it.

I can't wait to hear the rest of the project, the divine comedy has been a favorite of mine for a long time and i love media inspired by it.

Great Job!

Sounds awesome.....

.....I love that game and this song could have easily made it onto the soundtrack. You should be proud of this.

Great Job!

Gravey responds:

Thanks. It really is a great game. :-)


I fucking love Star Wars....

....and this is the shit!

Great Job!

TweaKBeatz responds:


I fucking love Star Wars, too!!!

I gotta say though, the phantom menace is still my favorite. Its that, and the empire strikes back.

keep listening to my tunes brahhh!!!


Now there's a great way to turn something annoying (neighbors drilling into the walls) into something creative and interesting. I think the idea of beatboxing to everyday sounds is excellent and i'd love to hear more like this.

Great Job!

DrudgeSkeleton responds:

Hey thanx mate ! It's fun that you can actually appreciate it. I expected to get bashed here.

It's a pity that I recorded it using a crappy mic. I have bought new recording equipment though so future recordings will be of better quality. Might a random occasion give me the chance to make another beatboxing + random environment SFX than I shall upload it.

i feel like........

.........i should be killing human sized ladybugs while i'm listening to this.

Great Job!


This is some dope ass shit man! I remember the first time i heard this, the day it came out, i sat there listening to this for a little longer before i walked through and got my ass handed to me by Crashman! lol

Great Job!

Kreepman responds:

XD Thanks!
I unforunatly never played any of the Megaman games until recently..and that was MM2 -_-

Maybe you can recommend me some? :D

Woo Hoo! I'm the 1,000th listener! lol

This is fucking genius.

Great job!

My other car is an x-wing!

Age 44, Male


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